
Welcome to Geewhiz Me !

sungee Hi and welcome here !
This site has not been updated for a looooong time… some functionality is lost by now..
I am still happy to do a website for you, just have not gotten around to updating this one, as there's so much more exciting things I am busy with; if you would like to see what I am up to lately please visit https://highvibrational.me 
Thank you!

My name is Sungee and I offer you my Webmaster services.
I can build your website, or make yours better and help you with anything related.
From a simple presence on the web to a database driven CMS shop, I can build it for you.
Responsive web design that works on all devices. I can take photos of you, your business and your work and help you with graphic design and optimisation.
I like to use open source software guaranteeing reliability, performance, security, and low total cost. Giving you the choice of a wide range of advanced templates and tailoring to your needs will cut down on designing time and guarantees a very competitive price. You as the website owner can update your website yourself whenever needed. If you know how to use a word processor like 'Word', you will be able to change text and pictures on the website. Anyone given a username, password and editor rights can log onto the site and make changes.

If you would like to talk about possibilities please contact me, I would love to hear from you !

Green Enterprises

Every choice we make has an effect and the time has come to make those choices with the highest integrity towards our planet and environment. Our innate whizdom has inspired us to be a ‘green company’. And to support other green enterprises we give a 10% discount to anyone showing a pro-active attitude towards the healing of our planet, being it by using and supporting cleaner energy or by the nature of the business itself like yoga schools, awareness centers, and all healing modalities...Lets support and inspire each other !

    [jee-hwiz, -wiz]

    – adjective Informal.

Arousing or characterized by surprise, wonder, or triumphant achievement: a gee-whiz technology; a gee-whiz reaction to the sight of the Grand Canyon.
Source: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/geewhiz

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How Green is Geewhiz ?

sunflower th We are Green ! For the love of Mother Earth. We are into growing organic food, and have a diet of mostly local and organic, vegan food. Being busy in the garden is what keeps one sane if spending lots of time behind a computer. And that is the other passion; Permaculture! High energy living with lots of place for growing, healing & playing, If you like the sound of all this and there is any way that we could work together, feel free to contact us.

Guests Online

We have 81459 guests and no members online

Why Phi ?

golden mean facephi arm spiralThe Golden Ratio - 1.618 - Natures blueprint of beauty..

It intrigues me and i have started using it consciously in my life and work..
goldenmean explanation

 Phi appears in:


The proportions of the human body,   & many other animals, Plants, DNA, The solar system, Art and architecture, Music, Population growth, The stock market, The Bible and in theology..

For an overview read the article, Phi: The Golden Number by Gary Meisner, author of www.goldennumber.net and developer of PhiMatrix golden ratio design software.

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Dreamstore Adobe Flash Web Shop (no longer online)
The Dreamstore
Beng Intergalactic Takes you on a trip to EarthBENG Intergalactic

Some of our Classics

Flash Site for Conscious Dreams
Conscious Dreams

Some of our CMS Sites

Camelot Island Retreat Camelot Island Retreat
CMS site for RGB-Lighting.net RGB
What Power Crisis What Power Crisis

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Geewhiz is currently webmaster for Earthcare Education Aotearoa Earthcare Education Aotearoa
Health Action Trust Health Action Trust Nelson
The Unicorns Garden The Unicorns Garden
Discount Solar Discount Solar
Geewhiz is currently webmaster for Localising Food Localisingfood.com
Te Whare Mahana - CMS site TWM

Some of our Sites

Belly Trance Bellytrance
HTML simple site made by Geewhiz Beverly's Campground
Adobe Flash site for Natural High NL Natural High
Earth Spirit Centre Earth Spirit Center
OneLoveOneSpirit Oneloveonespirit.com
Harriette Daniels Harriette Daniels
Dragonfly Ranch featuring some of Geewhiz photography as well Dragonfly Ranch
Taveuni Ocean Sports Taveuni Ocean Sports

Image Gallery