


Once upon a time in a country far far away from here..

It all started in 2001 in The Netherlands with our little company 'Lalaland'. Together with Francoise and Erik we embarked upon the journey after successfully completing the degree Multimedia Designer at the SAE Institute in Amsterdam.

We made some awesome spiffy sites right from the start, spending days and nights behind the computer and loved creating everything from scratch, designing designing and became very adept in Photoshop, Flash, Dreamweaver, created some sites almost completely in Flash which allowed for total creativity. Some of these sites are still available to view online; Beng Intergalactic - and the Conscious Dreams website.

Later on we learned that time is not only art but also money and it is not always feasible to spend so much time designing from scratch. Most website owners do not want to spend too much money and also these days like to be able to add/edit content themselves. So nowadays we are really good at cutting down on designing time but delivering a website that is beautiful, creative and has all that wanted functionality.
But we never forget those good old days :)

Lalaland website is still alive too, click image to visit..